Food is Medicine

Program Introduction

Welcome to The Element Cleanse Detox Program! Over the next 1-4 weeks based on your custumization of the program, we'll embark on a journey to reset your health and revitalize your body. If you've been struggling with bloating, gas, chronic fatigue, bad breath or brain fog, there is a very high possibility that your body is overloaded with toxins, heavy metals or parasites. This program is designed to open up your detoox pathways and cleanse your organs.

Improve your relationship with food

Be your best self, alone and with others, and cultivate deep and lasting friendships and relationships.

Benefits of Detoxing The Body

Elimination of Toxins

  • Helps the body to rid toxins that may have built up from exposure to environmental pollutants, processed foods, alcohol, medications, heavy metals, topical products and more.

Strengthened Immune System

  • The immune system relies on a healthy internal environment to function optimally and defend against illness and disease.

  • By reducing the burden of toxins, detoxification supports immune function, allowing the body to better fight off infections and pathogens.

Improved Digestion

  • Eliminating processed foods and potential allergens, detoxing can improve digestion, reduce bloating, and alleviate symptoms such as gas and constipation and help build your health gut microbiome.

Weight Management and Metabolism Support

  • Toxins stored in fat cells can disrupt metabolic processes and contribute to weight gain or difficulty losing weight.

  • Detoxification supports weight management by targeting these toxins, helping the body to release excess fat storage.

Increased Energy & Vitality

  • By eliminating toxins, the body's systems can function more efficiently, resulting in a natural increase in energy levels.

  • Improved energy and vitality; increased productivity, better physical performance, and an overall sense of well being.

Enhanced Mental Clarity & Focus

  • Brain fog, lack of concentration, and memory issues can be aggravated by a buildup of toxins in the body.

  • Detoxification supports mental clarity by removing these toxins and promoting healthy brain function..

Balanced Hormones

  • Hormonal imbalances can contribute to a variety of health issues, including weight gain, fatigue, breakouts and mood swings. Detoxing can support hormonal balance by reducing exposure to endocrine disrupting toxins and promoting the elimination of excess hormones.

This Guide is Designed to Help you:

  • Understand the toxins accumulating in our bodies

  • Prepare your detox pathways effectively before starting the detox process

  • Inhabiting a healthy gut microbiome

  • Understand foods you should avoid

  • Maintain and analyze your food journal

  • Enhance your detox journey with step-by-step instructions for performing lymphatic drainage at home.

  • Incorporate daily habits that seamlessly fit into your lifestyle, making detoxification effortless for you so you can feel your best.

  • Discovery delicious recipes